The Mostly Mellow Player

Friday, November 16, 2012

The Mostly Mellow 28: Fursty Ferrets and Galway Hookers

A doozy of a show with: Power Principle, All-New X-Men #1, Fantastic Four #1, Thor God of Thunder #1, Red She-Hulk #59, Atomic Robo , Superboy #14, Suicide Squad #14, Amazing Spider-Man #697, Batgirl #14, Batman #14, Batman and Robin #14 and some reflecting on Finnish holidays...
Twitter @sampsa_g @mostlymellow like us there is the hub

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Wrongly Labeled Mostly Mellow Popculture 27

Greetings !
I'm fixing this post a little bit because I named the episode wrong today because I was in such a hurry to get it out to all of you. 
This week we're talking Tuuli Lukka's Escorter, Iron Man Vol.5 #1 , Earth 2, Perhapanauts: Danger Down Under, Happy #2, World's Finest.
And that's it !
Twitter @sampsa_g or @mostlymellow
Please do write in follow me, comment or whatever you know.

Check out The Escorter
also check out the creators blog

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Sarjakuvapodcast 18

Tervehdys ! Pahoitteluni parin viikon tauosta.
Tällä kertaa jaan hiukan mielipiteitäni Netflixistä, George Lucas/Disney kaupasta, Henri Tervapuron Kätyreistä, Brandon Grahamen Prophetista ja Multiple Warheads Alphabet to Infinity, Amazing Spider-Man #696, Marvel Zombies Halloween, Sean Murphyn Punk Rock Jesus, DC Universe Presents: Black Lightning and Blue Devil, A-Babies vs. X-Babies, Batman: Li'l Gotham.
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Ja iTunes arvostelut ovat myös äärimmäisen tervetulleita.
Pitäkää huolta.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Mostly Mellow Popculture Episode Episode 26

Hello everybody !!!
This time we have Skottie Young's A-Babies vs X-babies, Talon #1, Grant Morrison's Batman Incorporated #3 #4 #0, Brandon Grahame's Multiple warheads Alphabet to Infinity, Amazing Spider-Man #696, Teen Titans #13, Prophet #30, Batman Li'l Gothamand Words of George Lucas and Disney...
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Friday, October 26, 2012

Mostly Mellow Episode 25

This week we've got Hawkeye #3, Justice League #13, DC Universe Presents #13: Black Lightning and Blue Devil, Wonder Woman #13, Marvel Zombies Halloween, Captain Marvel #5.... and that's it it. I know I'm shocked too.
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Don't be strangers now !

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Mostly Mellow 24

Hello everyone ! This week we're talking Sean Murphy's Punk Rock Jesus, Uncanny Avenger's, Red She-Hulk #58, Team 7 #1, Demon Knights, Death of a Family, Batman, Batgirl, Batman & Robin, Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite. Fun times unless you're a fan of polar bears.
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Monday, October 15, 2012

Animation!!! (and liveaction)

Just figured I'd post a few links to some of the stuff I talked about on the show.
Ajattelin laittaa muutamia youtube linkkejä juttuihin mistä puhuin tämän viikon showssa.

Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes Series 1 Episode 1.
Half an pisode of the first episode of Green Lantern the Animated Series / Puolikas osa :)

An abridged first episode of the Young justice/ Lyhennetty Young Justicen ensimmäinen osa

And TNMT with Pizza / Turtlesit ja pizzaa

Alphas promo bit/ Alphojen hyvin lyhyt traileri.

And the Ultimate Spider-Man trailer which you shouldn't hold against the show in any way./ Ja lopuksi vielä Ultimate Hämiksen traileri jota ei saisi käyttää sarjaa vastaan. Se on oikeasti parantunut ihan älyttömästi.

PS. Almost forgot the Arrow trailer :) / Melkein unohdin Arrow-trailerin. :)

The Sarjakuvapodcast 17: Enemmänkin TvPodcast

Tervehdys tämän kuumeisen viikon jälken palaamme puhuen enemmän televiosta kuin Sarjakuvista, mutta kyllä muutama sarjakuvakin mukaan eksyi : The Hypernaturals Abnett and Lanning, Earth 2 , World's Finest, Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Green Lantern The Animated series, Young Justice, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT, Ultimate Spider-Man, Alphas ja Arrow sekä kuumeisia houreunia sarjapolygamisteista Marvel universumissa.
Seuratkaa twitterissä @Sampsa_g tai @sarjakuvapod (Saa seurata kumpaakin jos haluaa) Tykätkää ihmeessä.

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Mostly Mellow Episode 23

What do you know we're here again ! Talking a bit about some animated shows like TMNT, Green Lantern Animated, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Ultimate Spider-Man and some non animated like Alphas. Also Comics look at Earth 2 (Not the podcast) , World's Finest and the Hypernaturals. Short, but hopefully it will appease the rabbits...
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Monday, October 8, 2012

The Sarjakuva Podcast 16

Haloo !!!!
Tällä kertaa jupisen teille Grant Morrisonin Happy#1, Atomic Robosta, Danger Clubista, Thanoksesta, Hawkeyesta, Amazing Spider-Man #694 #695, WonderWomanista ja Talon #0
Seuratkaa sosiaalisessa mediassa (ei siellä ole pakko olla sosiaalinen)
Twitter @Sampsa_G @thesarjakuvapod
JA nyt myös kommentointi mahdollista osoitteessa !!!

Check out this episode!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Comments !!!

Yeah, I noticed a couple of days ago that I had some silly setting on that required you too log into a blogger account so that you could comment. THIS IS NO MORE... You are now able to tell me exactly how wrong I was about something and where to shove my opinions.... Or you can just

You know it's your choice, whatever you want to do.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Mostly Mellow 22

Well then here we go people ! Grant Morrison's Happy, Landry Q Walker's Danger Club#4, Amazing Spider-Man #694 #695, Thanos: The Final Threat, Talon #0, Birds of Prey #10-12 and #0,  Doctor Who Vol. 3 #1 And I guess that's it... is it just me or are my shownotes a lot shorter these days? Anyway
Twitters @sampsa_g and @mostlymellow
Facebook page
Be in touch folks :)

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Monday, October 1, 2012

The SarjakuvaPodcast 15: Roope Eronen

Terve taas tällä kertaa vieraana Roope Eronen kertomassa Offices & Humans sarjakuvastaan, joka julkaistiin sarjakuvafestivaaleilla. Kokematon haastattelijanne ei suostu luovuttamaan vaikka olikin pystyssä pelkän energiajuoman voimalla :)

Roopen kirjaa voi käydä ostamassa :ssa

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Seuratkaa twitterissä @Sampsa_G tai se persoonattomampi @thesarjakuvapod

Ilmoitelkaa itsestänne!

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mostly Mellow Episode 21

This time our rambling consists of James Robinson's The Shade, Phil Hester's The Coffin, Atomic Robo and The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific, Justin Jordan's Team 7 #0, Wonder Woman, Hawkeye, Ame-Comi Girls #3, Nightwing #0.


Twitters @mostlymellow and the more personal @sampsa_g

It's all good write read and everything else to me. Read those comics !

Check out this episode!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Sarjakuva Podcast 14 Säilä ja muuta sälää

Tällä kertaa tutkimme Musta Ritari Kustannuksen  Säilä-lehteä ( ja lisäksi jupisen Amazing Spider-Man #692 ja #693, He-Man and The MAsters of The Universe,  Batman and Robin, Justice League #12 Eli ISO PUSU , Manhattan Projects. 

Toivottavasti nautitte osasta antakaa kuulua itsestänne ja tykätkää ja seurailkaa kaikista kanavista


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kaikenlaista palautetta kysymyksiä ja muuten vaan tunteenpurkauksia saa ja pitää laittaa tulemaan.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Mostly Mellow 20: A Tired Quickie

It's been a busy week, but I managed to yap on about Ame-Comi Girls, Legends of the Dark Knight, Doctor Who Annual, the injustices of licenced comics, and a roundabout talk of the Korvac Saga. Short, but sweet but somehow rather long...

Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

TheSarjakuvaPodcast 13 Pikku Närhi


Tällä kertaa avaamme uusia ulottuvuuksia ja teemme podcastin ensimmäisen haastattelun. Ensimmäisenä vieraanamme on Lauri Ahonen Pikku Närhi sarjakuvaromaanin taiteilija ja toinen kirjoittaja. Toivottavasti nautitte showsta.

Ja muistakaahan olla yhteyksissä


Twitterissä @sampsa_g sekä nyt myös persoonattomampi @thesarjakuvapod

Ja tietysti eMail:

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Mostly Mellow 19: Some Finnish Comics

Hiya! A tiny recap of what my Helsinki Comics festival experience was like and then the regular schtick including Emile Bravo's The Hunger of the Seven Squat Bears, Anni Nykänen's Mummo, Milla Paloniemi's The Cursing Hedgehog, Roope Eronen's Offices & Humans Roaad to Customex, Amazing Spiderman #692 and #693, He-Man and the Masters of The Universe, Batman and Robin #0, Justice League#12: The Kiss Heard round the World and Manhattan Projects #6 by Hickman

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Loving you all

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Episode 18 the once again rusty episode

Here we go this time we talk of Alan Moore's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century 1969 and 2009,  Chris Claremont's and Milo Manara's X-Men Gals on The Run, Fabio Moon's and Gabriel Ba's Day tripper, Fred Van Lente's and Tom Fowler's Hulk Season one and also take quick look at Batman Court of Owls and Batman and Robin. And man was I rusty....
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Love you all ! 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Inspirational Post

I know that for most of you this is an old quote, mainly because I've posted it so many times in different places but it just never get's old(except in the literal sense, but don't think about that). Today I was reminded of it as I was doing some sketches in the park and later during some twitter conversations and figured it's time to repost it once again.

"Drawing a good figure doesn’t make you a good artist. I can name you ten men, right off the bat, who draw better than I do. But I don’t think their work gets as much response as mine. I can’t think of a better man to draw Dick Tracy than Chester Gould, who certainly is no match for Leonardo Da Vinci. But Chester Gould told the story of Dick Tracy. He told the story of Dick Tracy the way it should have been told. No other guy could have done it. It’s not in the draftsmanship, it’s in the man.

Like I say, a tool is dead. A brush is a dead object. It’s in the man.

If you want to do, you do it. If you think a man draws the type of hands that you want to draw, steal ‘em. Take those hands.

The only thing I can say is: Caniff was my teacher, Alex Raymond was my teacher, even the guy who drew Toonerville Trolley was my teacher. Whatever he had stimulated me in some way. And I think that’s all you need. You need that stimulation. Stimulation to make you an individual. And the draftsmanship, hang it. If you can decently: learn to control what you can, learn to control what you have, learn to refine what you have. Damn perfection. You don’t have to be perfect. You are never going to do a Sistine Chapel unless someone ties you to a ceiling. Damn perfection!

All a man has in this field is pressure. And I think the pressure supplies a stimulation. You have your own stresses, that will supply your own stimulation. If you want to do it, you’ll do it. And you’ll do it anyway you can."
-Jack "The King" Kirby

Remember that in WHATEVER you're doing this applies to pretty much everything in life.

 Much Love !

Friday, May 25, 2012

Mostly Mellow Episode 17 The long awaited (?)

Who knew a man could yammer on for 45 minutes about so many things like : Phonogram2 The Singles Club Issue 1 FCBD Edition, Low Concept 2 Comix Anthology no not a review just yammering, b-one comics for Broken Hearts, Goose Island IPA, The Avengers Movie No spoilers, Aquaman #8 and #9 The Avenger's Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Beta-Ray Bill, Young Justice, Ultimate Spider-Man, Green Lantern Animated Not that much really.

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Episode 17 Download

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Love all of you

Also 8track playlist here


Monday, March 12, 2012

Mostly Mellow Episode 16

This week I talked a whole bunch about Powergirl Corps, Hellboy Library Edt. Vol. 4, B.P.R.D Plague of Frogs HC, American Vampire VOl 2, I, Vampire, Ted MCkeever's Mondo, Winter Soldier, Woder Woman, DC Universe Presents, Venom, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, BatWing, Fatale, Green Arrow, Aw Yeah, Justice LEague International, The Manhattan Projects, Action Comics, OMAC, SEcret Avengers, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Men, Tapewormsex, SupUrbia, Hack/Slash, Orc Stain. Darn it people I'm trying okay...
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Friday, February 17, 2012

Life, it keeps happening... BUT SO DO COMICS !!!

There will be some Bat Spoilers so boohoo... 

Apologies for the silence had to take  a week of to get my four page story onto the EOC Anthology 2 and then I got this tonsillitis and pretty bad fevers. So the past week has been spent sleeping and watching random episodes of MST3K and other things, which I will talk a bit about once I get around to recording. So enough of that. What I want to talk to you all about is this

Batman #5 and #6. Batman has been one of the most consistently good books the relaunch has produced. Scott Snyder has been writing an intriguing mystery and we've been getting a good feeling of Batman being out of his depth in this story as the Court of Owls looms behind it all. And the art oh the art !!! Greg "Papi" Capullo is killing it he's bringing in all of the good things that made him such a big name in the 90's with Spawn, but it seems tempered with a good sense of proportions when it comes to using his more cartoony (In NO way derogatory) style to bring life to the pages and it just works B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L-L-Y. 

Issue #5 was a brilliant piece that was using the medium in ways that can only really work in comics ( I Love it when creators do that). The actual premise of this issue was simple: Last issue Batman was caught in a maze by the COO ( Court Of Owls) and he has now been wondering around, tired hungry and drugged out of his mind, for a week. The execution of his sense of delirium and disorientation is masterful. It's all done by clever layout decisions which make the reader almost as disorientated as Batman is.   and the story itself? It shows us the bat crumbling and it cuts deep.

Batman #6 gives us that moment you look for in 80's fighting movies (You know like Lionheart and Bloodsport), that moment when the hero is completely beaten, he is down, but then he gets his second wind and crushes all opposition and.... flees before he gets his ass kicked again? Well that's what you're getting here, but it's still an awesome finale and I know I'll be doubledipping the hell out of this book.

What can I say Batman is awesome at the moment and I hope the creative team won't be changing soon, because I think these guys can do great things with this. If you haven't been reading this title so far do yourself a favor and preorder the hardcover right now.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Episode 15

The Strangely Effortless Show
I had fun guys and I talked about a bunch of stuff like Amazing Spider-Man, Birds Of Prey, CatWoman, Green Lantern Corps, Hack/Slash, New Mutants, NightWing, Red Hood And The Outlaws, Supergirl,Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Uncanny X-Force, Uncanny X-Men, Venom, Wonder Woman, All Star Comics Archives Volume 0, Doctor Who, Hack/Slash movie rumours and other things...
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 The Player at the top of the page has a Download link in it !

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Episode 14: I'm all over the place...

In this scattershot tired episode I cover a lot of stuff like Amazing Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, Justice League, New Mutants, Red Hood And The Outlaws, SuperGirl, Thunder Agents, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man, Wolverine, Wolverine and The X-Men, Uncanny, X-Men, Journey Into Mystery, Fatale, Omac, Demon Knights, Batman And Robin, Doctor Who, Frankenstein Agent Of Shade, Shade, The Ray, Green Lantern, Last Of the Greats,Strange Talent of Luther Strode, StormWatch, Superboy, The Swampthing, Animal Man, Teen Titans, Whispers, X-Men Legacy, Witch Doctor,X-Factor. Also Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels and specifically Snuff are incoherently rambled on about and I watched Teachers, Boardwalk Empire and Shameless. If you survive this you'll survive anything...
And the Powergirl Hello Kitty is by Thomas Kelly Who can be found at
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